Themenbezogene Veröffentlichungen
1) U. Brinkmann, "A Laser-Based Three-Dimensional Display", Lasers & Applications, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1983.
2) B. G. Blundell, A. J. Schwarz, D. K. Horrell, "The Cathode Ray Sphere: A Prototype Volumetric Display System", Proceedings of Eurodisplay '93, pp. 593-596, Strasbourg, 1993.
3) M. Lasher, P. Soltan et. al., "Laser Projected 3-D Volumetric Displays", Projection Displays II, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 2650, pp. 285-295, San Jose, CA, 1996.
4) D. Solomon, "Volumetric Imaging Launches Graphics Into A 3-D World", Photonics Spectra, pp. 129-134, June 1993
Eigene Publikationen
1) D. Bahr, K. Langhans, M. Gerken, C. Vogt, D. Bezecny, D. Homann, "FELIX: A volumetric 3D laser display", Projection Displays II, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 2650, pp. 265-273, San Jose, CA, 1996. (invited paper)
2) D. Bahr, K. Langhans, M. Gerken, C. Vogt, D. Bezecny, D. Homann, "Das 3D-Display - Ein autostereoskopisches, multiplanares Bilddarstellungsverfahren", 11. ELECTRONIC DISPLAYS '96, Konferenzband, pp. 142-148, Stadthalle Chemnitz, April 1996. (invited paper)
3) D. Bahr, K. Langhans, D. Bezecny, M. Gerken, D. Homann, C. Vogt, "Spatial Visualization on a Volumetric Display - FELIX", Advances in Occupational Ergonomics and Safety I, Proceedings of the XIth Annual International Occupational Ergonomics and Safety Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 263-268, ETH Zürich, July 1996. (invited paper)
4) D. Bahr, K. Langhans, D. Bezecny, D. Homann, C. Vogt, "FELIX: A volumetric 3D imaging technique", New Image Processing Techniques and Applications: Algorithms, Methods, and Components II, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 3101, pp. 202-210, München, 1997.
5) D. Bahr, K. Langhans, "Introducing FELIX - a Volumetric 3D Laser Display", Journal of Laser Applications, Official Publication of the Laser Institute of America, Vol. 8, No. 5, October 1996. (invited paper)
6) K. Langhans, D. Bahr, "Science Education in Action: Germany's FELIX-Project", Journal of Laser Applications, Official Publication of the Laser Institute of America, Vol. 8, No. 5, October 1996. (invited paper)
7) K. Langhans, D. Bezecny, D. Homann, D. Bahr, C. Vogt, C. Blohm, K.-H. Scharschmidt, "New portable FELIX 3D display", Projection Displays IV, Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 3296, San Jose, CA,1998.
8) K. Langhans, "FELIX 3D Display", Siggraph Conference Abstracts and Applications, Computer Graphics Annual Conference Series, 1999.
9) K. Langhans, D. Bezecny, D. Homann, D. Bahr, K. Oltmann, K. Oltmann, C. Guill, E. Rieper, G. Ardey, "FELIX 3D Display: An Interactive Tool for Volumetric Imaging", Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IX, Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 4660, San Jose, CA,2002.
10) K. Langhans, C. Guill, E. Rieper, K. Oltmann, D. Bahr, "SOLID FELIX: A Static Volume 3D-Laser Display", Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XIV, Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 5006, Santa Clara, CA,2003.
11) K.Langhans, K. Oltmann, S. Reil, L. Goldberg, H. Hatecke, FELIX 3D Display: "Human-Machine Interface for Interactive real Three-Dimensional Imaging" ,Virtual Storytelling,Strasbourg, France 2005.
Beispiele externer Artikel über FELIX
Siehe ebenso Pressespiegel
1) K.-D. Linsmeier, "Raumbilder auf dreidimensionalem Monitor", Spektrum der Wissenschaft, January 1996
2) H. Lemme, "3D-Bilder aus der Glasglocke", Elektronik 22/1996.
3) T. Mundzeck, "Innovation von der Unterelbe", Hamburger Abendblatt 18.4.2000
4) N.N., "Die jungen Einsteins", Focus 39/1996
5) N.N., International Trade News 18/1996
6) N.N., "Achtung vor der Jugend", People's Daily 18/1996
7) D. Larner, "All you need is youth", Elektronic Times 18.4.1996
8) T. Heckes, "Im Reich der dritten Dimension", Frankfurter Rundschau 10.10.1996
9) N.N., "Business & Technology", Lufthansa Magazin 7/2000
10) M. Schwarze, "Disko in der Käseglocke", Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung 7/2001
11) N.N., "Holodeck bald Realität?", Clickfish.com 6/2001